By integrating Eastern Medicine tools with Western evidence based physiologic principles and movement patterns, Myofascial Decompression Techniques / Cup Therapy works in the decompression of adhesions, reducing inhibition of fluids, and increasing nutrient exchange.
The goal of Myofascial Decompression / Cup Therapy is to introduce a negative pressure tool in a systematic movement based approach to treat fascial restrictions, fascial tension and scar tissue. By increasing efficiency of motion through fascial flexibility and neuromuscular re-education, Myofascial Decompression / Cup Therapy is able to change the neuro-pathway, reducing areas of tightness that are pulling on the kinetic chain.
What that all means. Myofascial Decompression / Cup Therapy can assists with the following:
– Breaking up scar tissue build up
– Breaking up trigger points and adhesions
– Decreasing pain
– Improving performance
So if you are dealing with a nagging injury and are looking for a new treatment approach, please give the office of Integrative Health Solution a call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Boaz, Doctor of Physical Therapy. 858-254-5433