Of course elite athletes are naturally gifted. And of course they train hard and may have a phalanx of support staff — coaches, nutritionists, psychologists. But they often have something else that gives them an edge: an insight, or even an epiphany, that vaults them from the middle of the pack to the podium. I asked several star athletes about the single realization that made the difference for them. While every athlete’s tale is intensely personal, it turns out there… Read More »
Archive for January 17, 2013
Training Insights From Star Athletes
Ordinary Vitamin D, Extraordinary Effects
Vitamin D has been in the health news a lot recently – probably due to the time of the year for us in the northern hemisphere, meaning a distinct lack of the natural source of this vital vitamin. It seems to have been linked with a huge variety of different illnesses and conditions such as heart health, diabetes, eye health and even Alzheimer’s. Vitamin D and Heart health In combination with strength training, vitamin D can help cut down on… Read More »