We have seen people drinking it.
We may have even drunk it ourselves.
But what is Kombucha?
Kombucha is fermented tea, naturally rich in probiotics and special cleansing acids, which help detoxify the blood and liver.
This powerful drink is made with four simple ingredients: water, sugar, tea and SCOBY.
The fourth and most unusual ingredient, SCOBY, gives Kombucha its “mystical uniqueness,” and is key to the fermentation process. SCOBY is an acronym for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast. The term is often used to refer to cultures of bacteria and yeast present during production of the fermented tea.
If the SCOBY hasn’t scared you, don’t let the sugar! Sugar is a key part of making Kombucha. During the fermentation process, the probiotics digest sugar, which allows the release of the good bacteria needed to help detoxify your blood and liver.
The Kombucha brewing process should be likened more to wine/beer making. The type of tea, fruit used, as well as time of day, temperature, etc. all matter in the Kombucha making process.
So why Kombucha?
Fermented foods in your diet, such as Kombucha, help improve overall digestive health. Studies have shown that serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter, lives in the gut which helps boost mood. Without a healthy gastrointestinal tract, your body can’t release those chemicals.
So drink up and give Kombucha a try.
It’s worth it!